EUROSAC is an active member in European paper packaging industry networks. These networks assure the liaison with European authorities in Brussels and follow the development of European regulations likely to affect the multiwall paper sack industry.

The Paper Bag
The platform The Paper Bag is comprised of leading European paper manufacturers and producers of paper bags. It was created in 2017 to represent the interests of the European paper bag industry and to promote the advantages of this paper packaging.

CEPI Eurokraft
European Association for Producers of Sack Kraft Paper for the Paper Sack Industry and Kraft Paper for the Packaging Industry.

RISE (previously INNVENTIA) is a world leader in research and development relating to e.g. pulp, paper and packaging and is our primary ally for all research projects.

CITPA (International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe) is the umbrella organisation of the paper and board converting industry in Europe.

CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) is a Brussels-based non-profit making organisation regrouping the European pulp and paper industry. Through CEPI, the paper industry increases its visibility and acts on emerging issues, making expert and constructive contributions on behalf of the industry.

Interzero Repasack has specialized in the take-back and recycling of used paper sacks from trade and industry, mainly in Germany.

GemPSI is the German Paper Sack Manufacturers’ Association.

GIPSAC Gruppo Italiano Produttori Sacchi Carta

ANFSAC Associación Nacional de Fabricantes de Sacos de Papel

PSSMA Paper Shipping Sack Manufacturers’ Association