Moisture protection

Paper sacks offer reliable, cost-effective protection against dampness and moisture. High-performance paper sacks can be stored outdoors without risking softening of the sack or clumping of the contents.

  • Depending on the specific requirements of our clients, our industry offers different paper sack constructions with glue, barrier, layer or surface concepts that provide reliable protection against moisture.
  • All moisture-proof sacks are compatible with the regular paper-sack-filling machines with little or no reduction in speed, and are thus much faster than any non-paper filling systems.
  • Besides moisture and water, paper sacks are able to protect contents against light, oxygen, carbon dioxide and dirt, thanks to adjustable barrier layers and surface treatments.

A reliable humidity barrier

Thanks to new developments in paper technology, our industry provides many different types of moisture-proof, high-quality paper sacks with different layer and glue concepts, depending on the specific requirements. In most cases, a two-ply paper construction with an intermediate polyethylene (PE) or bioplastic film will provide a reliable barrier against moisture ingress.

In especially adverse weather conditions, an extremely thin bioplastic, plastic or other adequate barrier film can be part of the surface layer in the paper sack construction for particularly effective protection. An example of a solution with a PE-coated outer layer is the winner of the EUROSAC Grand Prix 2019: Vardy by dy-pack. The highly efficient barrier coating on the inside of the sack’s outer layer provides state-of-the-art water vapour protection. Another example is RainSafe from BillerudKorsnäs from the Grand Prix 2017. The three-ply sack (two paper layers and an HDPE liner) withstands at least four hours of rain without water or vapour damaging the filled product.

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