Infographic: Paper Sacks - your Better Choice for the Climate

05.09.2018 Publications

The carbon footprint of paper cement sacks is 2.5 times smaller than the carbon footprint of form-fill-seal (FFS) polyethylene cement sacks. This is the outcome of a comparative study by the Swedish research institute RISE on behalf of the European Paper Sack Research Group (ESG), a collaboration between CEPI Eurokraft and EUROSAC. It also concludes that the paper cement sack is more climate-friendly and energy efficient. An infographic captures the most important findings.

Infographic Paper sacks - your better choice for the climate

Infographie Les sacs papiers: le meilleur choix pour le climat

Infografik Papiersäcke: die bessere Wahl für das Klima

Infografica Sacchi di carta: la vostra scelta migliore per il clima



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